Showing 85–96 of 355 results
La crema per la couperose contiene il 30% di estratti di Ippocastano, Ginkgo, Calendula ed Edera, ideale per pelli sensibili, delicate e con couperose. Adatta per il giorno e per la notte.
La colorazione verde, per la presenza di clorofilla, contrasta e minimizza il rossore tipico di pelle con couperose.
La crema per le mani al limone svolge molteplici azioni: è nutriente, grazie alla presenza dell’olio di Argan e del burro di Karitè, è lenitiva e protettiva, grazie agli estratti di Ginkgo biloba e Calendula officinalis. Inoltre, grazie all’olio essenziale di limone, rinfresca e deodora.
La crema rinfrescante è molto ricca in estratti vegetali di Calendula e olio essenziale di Menta, utili in caso di pelle arrossata, irritata. Nutre ed idrata la pelle secca e disidratata, adatta come doposole, dopobarba e post depilazione, come crema rinfrescante per il corpo e come riposante per le gambe, grazie all’estratto di Ippocastano.
This cream is full of vegetable extracts, with a moisturizing, nourishing and soothing effect. It is suitable for any skin type, even the most sensitive, due to the absence of perfumes and allergens. Full of nourishing oils, it helps improving your skin tone and elasticity.
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Lemon hand cream has many actions: it is nourishing thanks to the Argan oil and the Shea butter, soothing and protective thanks to the Ginkgo extract and Calendula officinalis. Moreover, thanks to lemon essential oil, it redreshes and deodorizes.
Soothing, moisturizing and nourishing cream especially for sensitive skins.
It has 30% of Helichrysum, Calendula, Chamomile which reduce inflammations and reddening, with the add of Argan and Rosa Rubiginosa Oil, nourishing and soothing.
Parfum free.
Cream for day and night, perfect for face an body, for every age. Suitable as make up base, after shave or as protective cream for children.
Refreshing cream is full of calendula extract and mint essential oil, useful in case of irritated or red skin. It nourishes and moisturizes irritated and dry skin, suitable after shaving, depilation and sun exposure, perfect as refreshing cream for your body and soothing for your legs, thanks to the horse chestnut extract.
Moisturizing cream with 30% Mallow and Pllantain
Light daily cream for normal and sensitive skins.
Mallow and plantain extracts reduce redness and protect your skin against external aggression as cold, pollution and thermal shocks.
Perfect as make-up base.
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Con succo di Aloe vera Bio
Ecological liquid detergent for laundry, 5 liters.
Also available in 1 liter format.
Con succo e olio essenziale di limone di Sicilia Bio